The power of intention
Monika, Good luck!
Why does the word luck trigger me? Because everything I do, anywhere I put my attention, I do it with a clear intention and attention that leads to a sense of presence. Even when I was very young, I made choices that would shape my life. I basically do not believe in luck per se; I trust being in a state of awareness that allows events to unfold, some very positive, some not, especially when I do not pay close attention to my choices.
So, No, there is nothing related to luck. There is no gambling– yet Trust in the knowing involves risk, the risk of being alive in the present moment.
c. 1500, Perhaps first borrowed in English as a gambling term. To be down on (one's) luck is from 1832; to be in luck is from 1857; to push (one's) luck is from 1911. Good luck as a salutation to one setting off to do something is from 1805. Expression no such luck, expressing disappointment that something did not or will not happen, is by 1835. Better luck next time as an expression of encouragement in the face of disappointment is from 1858.
So you say, Monika, “What is the big deal?” I would say instead of wishing me “good luck”, something more meaningful, such as a salutation in connection to the heart, like “Enjoy”, would encourage the path of my original intention. I do trust my sense of feeling alive at the moment.
You see words matter, they are charged not only with meaning but they are also currents of energy that are capable of communicating and manifesting what lies latent.
Just try to observe what happens when one is angry and curses, emitting profanities, calling for an ill outcome. How does that manifest in one’s life? Words matter because of the power of intentions– think of them as sources of potential because they define the quality of any action/outcome. A few years back, my artwork, (Landscape of Belief) was part of The Power of Intention: Reinventing the (Prayer) Wheel, an exhibition at the Rubin Museum of Art in NYC. Inspired by Tibetan prayer wheels, it brought together examples of traditional and contemporary art to illuminate the relationship between our intentions, commitments, and actions. Taking the Tibetan prayer wheel as a metaphor for the power to create positive change, the exhibition highlighted key ideas related to prayer wheels and their processes of creation, activation, and meaning. Below is the audio (Nov. 2018), with the voices of Elena Pakhoutova, the curator of the exhibition, and yours truly in conversation, which was also extended in written form and published in the magazine SPIRAL: ACCIDENTALLY ON PURPOSE: CONVERSATIONS.
CURSING, SWEARING, AND SPELLS: the invocation of the spirits has a different form.
[Swearing and cursing] are entirely different things: the first is invoking the witness of a Spirit to an assertion you wish to make; the second is invoking the assistance of a Spirit, in mischief you wish to inflict. When ill-educated and ill-tempered people clamorously confuse the two invocations, they are not, in reality, either cursing or swearing; but merely vomiting empty words indecently. True swearing and cursing must always be distinct and solemn .... [Ruskin, "Fors Clavigera"]
Broadly speaking, then, spell and prayer, like magic and religion to which they severally belong, can be distinguished by the nature of the intended purpose. [Enyclopaedia Britannica, 1941]
This brings us to the next set of words– cursing, swearing, and spells. Their distinction depends on the intention behind each, how the spirit is invoked, and how the words are used. Therefore going back to being in sovereignty and becoming accountable leaves luck out of the equation, as destiny is a set of decisions and responses to what is unfolding.
INTENTION, ATTENTION, PRESENCE: current cycles, the Full Moon in Capricorn; Global Cycles, and the shift from tribal to individual response
-In a human being, the expansion of frequency can only occur one way — through the heart. –Richard Rudd
The Sun was in Gate 53, and the Earth Gate 54, this last week. What is the true essence of this beginning? How and to what is this aspiration grounded? Its path is predetermined energy that carries the seed of the final flowering within it– beware of greed!
Noting the sensations in the body, I have spent the last weeks asking myself a question related to where I see myself:
-How would it feel when _______?
Then I really note the emotions driving this aspiration to see the light in the near future, a composition of many present moments that together make way for the illusion of a future yet to come.
This morning I touched on the difference between what I need and what I want–
-how would that feel? Knowing the sensation clears the way to establish a direct relationship to the needs. Thus any fear, anger, sadness, anxiety, or even joy grounds themselves in the energy of being attentive to the needs that give value to what I cherish most: FREEDOM.
Freeing myself from not living my full truth. I devote my life to this epigenetic flowering, as I evolve, so do you and anything around me.
To begin something new on the foundation of the old… Based on the success, the momentum to start something new…
Wednesday, July 13, Full Moon in Capricorn, The Sun Gate 62, the Moon Gate 61. The USA’s Pluto returns on a second pass while in retrograde (the first one on Feb 22, 2022 (Russia -Ukraine conflict began on the 24th)...
Looking at the seeds planted back on January 2nd when there was a New Moon in Capricorn, remember the Venus retrograde intentions?
Close your eyes and tell me if you are getting some insights. During the last six months, did you set a caring and thoughtful connection to your needs, creating a somatic practice that shed away what is corrupted and no longer practical? Capricorn Moon is supporting and capable of executing without waste.
Now look at how the outside world is reflecting your inner world– do they make sense? Still at odds? How can I change this world? Deep transformation can only occur if and when I confront limitations; change is scary yet necessary - the last pillars have fallen, old institutions are barely standing - people in power are really showing their true selves, as the foundation disappears…
Are your principles precise? Do they need more insights?
It is challenging to keep track of life’s events as it turns out to be extremely chaotic times. Embodying your needs, being true to them, and realigning with purpose will reassure you that no matter what, you are at least responding, and it depends fully on your inner state of mind.
The Moon is by one degree at the same place Venus was on Jan 2nd when the New moon set up the intentions next to Pluto.
-How deeply am I personifying, identifying, and embodying those higher principles?
-Can I be objective and ready to synthesize these gifts that come as opportunities in small crises?
Venus in Gemini is creating an internal crisis while inconjunct with the Capricorn Moon and Pluto.
-Am I really becoming aware of the real purpose of the Scorpio/Taurus Nodal Axis?
-How am I voicing and relating to those needs? how coherent is my communication? Venus is squaring Neptune, clarity of intent, confront, forgive, surrender, move on, and stay curious yet focused!
Two days ago, my building lost power, the old transformer died, and we had no electricity for close to 24 hours– I stayed chill, I had options. But the big take was:
1) How prepared am I when the real shift occurs?
2) Am I taking care of my essential needs? I am learning how to plant my own food, and perhaps starting to become aware of my local community with different eyes? Good questions…
It took me some hours to ask a friend for a place to stay, with my self-reliance in focus, I still need to know when to ask for support, but I did, and I felt vulnerable, yet strong. This gave way to contemplating the next steps, how will I thrive, not just survive, being both accountable and independent, yet resonating with beings who are on the same wavelength and supporting each other? The future feels bright.
From The Cross of Planning to the cross of the sleeping Phoenix
"You can’t trust the authorities around you anymore. So stop."
-Ra Uru Hu (channeled the Human Design Paradigm, a synthesis of ancestral psycho technologies)
The Cross of Planning (1615- 2027) is shifting from the tribal needs that through the industrial revolution created structures based on institutions that took care of our banking, health, education, and government. Everything we take for granted to support the functioning of cities and communities is going to be dissolved—this is not a single event but rather part of a global cycle that will continue to disintegrate over the next decades and even hundreds of years. Left with no negotiations to sustain or maintain, any previous transactions, or bargains will have no value to individuals or communities.
The shift moves to The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix, (2027 2438). We are entering into an age of self-empowerment. An age when individuals are sovereign, accountable, and self-reliant. The next age is not about looking after your neighbor, but rather looking after yourself. We are moving into a global theme of potentially enlightened–self-awareness; the key is to reveal your inner truth and be your own person, which is not depending on any institution but on the integration of inner and outer authorities.
I have been making an emphasis throughout this newsletter (now close to six months!) to tap into those essential individual needs. It is a process, therefore we need time to plan, set up intentions, and slowly embrace the new era of inner/outer authority and accountability/safety. I am here to support anyone who is curious and willing to set up a commitment towards themselves to find the proper way (your way) to synthesize this process. Remember this is why we all came here; each fractal is very important in the overall structure of ALL THAT IS.
Evolutionary Astrology, the Gene Keys, and Human Design are not about predictions; they are languages that allow the intellect to understand what experience is unfolding as we co-create this universe- They could serve as a floor plan.
Before the next New Moon in Leo at the end of the month, create and become even more aware of your intentions. Dedicate some time to celebrate your path thus far, and observe the labor of love that it is to be caring for and supporting your physical reality and its structure.
Good parenting is not about restrictions, but about the support that helps shape and define inner and outer authorities. Before we enter the age of full sovereignty, parts of ourselves need to be fully accountable and mature, which translates to supportive states of being.
Please neither follow nor mirror our current political leaders, with their blaming game, which denotes immaturity and a lack of accountability, a disconnection to what is needed.
Growing up is painful yet there is a sweet taste of knowing that you have the right amount of support to know how to respond in all times of crises; you will tap into your heart and you will know what to do.
Behave accordingly
Response - Ability
Trust, the G*d particle, microscopic black holes, and CERN
Dark matter…
A few thoughts from the turning on of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN:
Cern’s mission is to: provide a unique range of particle accelerator facilities that enable research at the forefront of human knowledge. perform world-class research in fundamental physics. unite people from all over the world to push the frontiers of science and technology, for the benefit of all.
What is the G*d particle? Are we not all part of this conundrum? Are we part of what makes this universe vibrate, thrive, create, feel, and be the most important particle to care for? You see, science without heart is just data; events that happen without accountability can be considered luck (or the lack of luck), the Elan vital or vital impetus is within. We can measure it, and see it under microscopes, but until we feel it, or sense it, it won’t make any sense at all. Just watch the daily news– more killings, more control for power, and power is the intention to be One with All that is.
Let’s keep on being gentle, and mindful of anything we start; let’s focus on the intention as if it were the only wish you ever had for a life of meaning so that at the very end you do not end up as a victim of luck.
Looking for G*D in a particle outside of ourselves makes no sense to me, yes let’s find out what moves us and makes us cohere. Can the coherence be inside of ourselves instead of under a microscope?
“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.”
-Hindi/ Daoist/Ancestral proverb
The pairing of the 62nd Shadow and the 61st Shadow reflects a fundamental split within humanity itself. Through the 62nd Shadow, man tries to solve the mysteries of life through his intellect — in other words, through science. Meanwhile, through the 61st Shadow, he tries to solve the same mysteries without his mind — through religion. These two poles, which at their extremes become scientific intellectualism and religious fanaticism, are genetic subprogrammes that keep humanity operating at a low-frequency level. If the 62nd Shadow is dominant, the female nature will be suppressed, and if the 61st Shadow is dominant, the male nature will be suppressed. This suppression of your inner male or female polarity is the main cause of disease on our planet, both at an individual level and at the collective level.
The 62nd Shadow really represents abuse through language. It is not we who abuse language, but language that abuses us. Language relies upon our frequency. At low frequencies, it completely takes control of our reality. The human intellectual capacity to read, write and speak is both our greatest blessing and our greatest curse. Problems arise when we identify our lives with our thoughts, which as we have seen, have been pre-programmed throughout our upbringing. Until we are able to step outside of this mental framework, we are controlled by language instead of being free to control it. All facts are relative, as modern quantum mechanics beautifully demonstrates, and this puts the entire conceptual framework of language and intellect on the chopping block.
The fact that science is on the cusp of undermining the very foundation of intellect speaks volumes about the extraordinary times through which we are currently living. However, the intellect is not designed to give itself up. It will fight on, disproving any theory that takes it out of its own factual territory. Only when humanity raises its frequency into the heart will it be able to use intellect to resolve this great paradox. Put another way, the only way you can scientifically prove that God exists is to become God. Knowledge must then become knowing, the intellect must surrender to intelligence and as a man of true understanding once said, “the last shall become first and the first shall become last.” What this really means is that the heart shall lead the mind, rather than the other way around.
R. Rudd. The 64 keys
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