Monika Bravo I AM OPtimist
I am OPTimist
Be the light
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -14:23

Be the light

The prism of inspiration

AI short summary of the audio above:

Hello, beautiful wonders,

Introduction and Reflections (00:00:01 - 00:02:41) It's Friday, though I thought it was Thursday. I even had to double-check two different calendars to confirm it. Did I skip a day? No, I've lived through every day, but I haven’t been keeping track. So here we are, another week gone by. What a week!

Before diving in, I want to ask you all to close your eyes, connect with your source, and be thankful for being alive today. If you're struggling, remember, there’s always a way out. Confront your fears and move just an inch or two to see a bit of light. We all experience this.

Astrological Insights and Personal Beliefs (00:02:42 - 00:08:14) Today, I noticed severe transits in my chart, but I see them as beautiful opportunities for growth. Saturn and Jupiter, which meet every 20 years, shape our culture. Their last meeting was on December 21, 2020, at zero degrees of Aquarius, where Pluto is now. Soon, Jupiter will have its first quarter square with Saturn. This is a crisis in action, an evident need to address something.

Focusing on Jupiter, I have a transit where it’s squaring my natal Pluto in Virgo while transiting Pluto retrograde squares my natal Jupiter in Taurus. I’ve been more attached to ideologies, trying to understand socialism, communism, capitalism, and money. These constructs came from my upbringing in South America, influenced by my hardworking, capitalist mother. I'm questioning everything now, seeking my truth and embodying it through experience.

Preparing for Change and Embracing Principles (00:08:15 - 00:14:00) Lately, I’ve become more politically aware, and driven to educate myself, which aligns with Jupiter in Gemini's curiosity. Mars crossing Jupiter will amplify this energy. My quest for freedom means understanding and valuing meaning to connect with my source. I’ve observed societal constructs and questioned their truth since the 2020 conjunction, exploring new ways of thinking and neuroscience.

As we approach the full moon, we’re asked to reflect on our maturity. Pluto in Aquarius will accelerate changes. It’s like preparing to leave an old house, ensuring everything is in order before moving on. I’ve done these goodbyes before, like when I left my apartment in Brooklyn. It was a ritual of gratitude and closure.

Reflecting on the past 15 years, especially the last eight, feels like finishing a book with many stories and lessons. I’m grateful but cautious, knowing we’re in a maturation process leading to a significant stage. This stage involves rebuilding society with principles, integrity, and virtues.

Though at times I feel vertigo, a few breaths and meditation realign me with my purpose. Despite the craziness of finishing my book, I have a release date in mind and am focused on achieving it. Thank you for being on this journey with me.

MATURATION- Capricorn full Moon

The upcoming #fullmooncapricorn 7/21 signifies the last steps of the culmination of the last 15 years - yeah! 🔥

There is a sense of maturity, ownership, and authority that emerges when the soul accepts its lineage and integrates it.
Which aspect of your life has been transformed and is now based?

What is the last thing you need to confront so that the total shift to the future is set up cleanly and without drama (trauma)?

Since these are times of deep transformation, it is important to surrender, dissolve, and ensure that what is ending has a good closure. Any sense of concealing or neglecting will hinder your capacity to achieve complete freedom in the future.

Any deja vus that you neglect will hold you back, as you are afraid to act with courage. No one else can do this for you. Grow up already.


///We are born into specific family lineages and environments, which provide us with the conditions or stage for the incarnation cross to fulfill its purpose in alignment, even if the environment is hostile and dry. It is through this that the soul has the capacity to integrate all its parts and succeed epigenetically.

Therefore, deja vus are like placeholders. When you experience one, breathe it out, hold space, change perspective. Remember, you are not your memories. Trauma may become stuck, but it can be released by tending to it and allowing space for it to be felt. These are the areas to explore and confront with care and knowledge. We have the ability to handle this!

When intentions are grounded in principles and integrity is the path, life always unfolds despite the environment. #resilience

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