Really excellent reflections, Monika, bringing together the collective with the personal and also sharing your thoughts from 2019 which seem to have only built in resonance over the years. I’m noticing how many of us seem to be looking back to pre-2020 now, and I sense it’s because we are at the end of that particular chapter of history and are preparing for the next one, so reviewing what we’ve been through can be a good way to find some wisdom and courage for the next step. Anyway, I look forward to sharing the journey with you!

Next week, I’ll be publishing my first astrology-focused article with a piece on Saturn into Pisces. I want to do a bit of biographical digging into the mid 1990s and also some historical research. It should be interesting!

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Thanks Bryan

Your comments are always so thoughtful , are you considering publishing in substack? I cancelled my medium membership 🥹

If you feel like chatting about Saturn in Pisces give me a holler I was born with it and I am having my second Saturn return in a month or so-

You got my digits on telegram

And kudos for jumping to write -

I will be looking forward

And yes looking back as we are closing this 36 month cycle of Saturn in Aquarius while Jupiter ran across the skies - soon in a sextile phase with Jupiter !

That article was like my ending nyc phase - I see it with a lot of love towards that period

I am very optimist

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Yeah, I'm sort of doing a test with Medium right now---seeing how well my approach works there---and thinking in March I might use some of my downtime to quickly pick up the Substack inputs and such, and then cross-post. Just start building up the Substack, because I don't think Medium is the place for me.

I'm also thinking of hosting an EC Event like around March 17th or so on Saturn into Pisces/Pluto into Aquarius." I may make up some Power Points and do some historical research for it...not sure yet! Anyway, yeah, I may hit you up on the chat!

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