Wow, Monika, I never ceased to be amazed by the width of the wisdom which you pack into these transmissions.

Lots of chewy nuggets of resonance for me combined with myriad “new” insights that felt like a re-connection when I read them.

I may be taken off line tomorrow for an undetermined amount of time---a year at most---so if you don’t hear from me for a while, just know that I’m taking this beautiful and profound post with me on my journey. Thanks so much for being you and for sharing yourself with the world!

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Oh bryan! Thank you!!! Do take care of your self, your wit, your mind, and mostly your spirit.

Much love my friend


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Will do!

And in case you are interested in what I've gone through and what I'm referring to about possibly being taken off line tomorrow, please check my Medium blog in a few days, as I've pre-written an article over there which will explain everything:


PS Our exchange here has motivated me to see if I can't spend some of my time today cross-posting this article to Substack, because I am already planning to migrate over here and because I'm NOT a fan of Medium's limiting access to articles to non-members (I recently deleted my membership over there, too).

Not sure I'll be able to pull it off, but if I do, this is where the Substack's address will be found:


Anyway, yes, no matter what happens, I'll keep my self, my wit and my spirit and it'll keep on evolving, too! Much love back atcha! (And sorry I've not been in touch for a while---some of that was out of my control, but some was and I just haven't maintained the contact....so I'm glad I was able to do so today!)

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I will be looking forward reading it and remember “everything I need is in my body”

Title of the book I am penciling now….

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Great title and absolutely true! Good luck with the book! I look forward to meeting it!

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It will find a way to you

Mari is the editor ❤️❤️❤️

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This is beautiful. In ceremony yesterday I was channeling the concepts of “I Am”. I came to understand that “I” only exists as a reference point to my current reality; “I am” because of what “I was” or what has been. If I identify with the “I”, I anchor myself in my past. The Self has no past, has no future, has no present. The Self simply exists.

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Yes!! The I (eye) is a lens of what it is perceived in the now - the (ego) as in the Greek version of I am

ἐγώ εἰμι -Ego eim— consciousness occurs in the now -

I am enjoying so much the rhythm and magic your breathing sessions bring forth in to my daily life -

We are for sure resonating vibrational space ⚡️

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