Another great one, Monika! The line that stood out for me (among many) was, "So the purpose IS the experience that emerges from the intention, the process."


Set the intention/the purpose and then live it as the process and that experience means you are living your purpose, no matter what you achieve "in the end." (as though there are ends in the first place, ha ha. Or maybe there are? Every beginning is also an end, nothing but the Now, including beginning/ending. Is it all a matter of perspective?)

I really appreciate how you write these from a place of deep inquiry and the process you are going through. It's like having a wonderful, wide window into HOW you are living your Purpose and I appreciate you both being so conscious of it and being willing to share it with the rest of us.

Oh, and Saturn from 25 to 18 degrees of Aquarius is in the first decan of my 8th house. I'm going to inquire into that more. I sense there are issues relating to my breaking the bonds/chains with my "wife" that are being invited to come into my awareness.

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Thank you Bryan for your appreciation, a Venus quality ! Oh yes the inquiry on your 8th intimacy - shared resources - confrontations and how to communicate those needs ( look for the placement of your natal Saturn ).

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I am not surprised that your writing resonates strongly with Bryan and I will just tag along. I struggle with your writing but always get something worthwhile. Amazingly, we have taken very different paths and ended up in the same place.

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I know my writing that is inclusive of so many astrological archetypes serves as a playground for those that I am teaching and mentoring - I feel one can still read between the lines? Thanks for reading

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