Shadow-work- Synthesis + Sovereignty
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" "Who will guard the guards themselves?" Juvenal, c. 100 A.D. - URANUS Rendezvous with the SUN

The Trust of Time, the Blockchain a catalyst of these times.
A Blockchain like Sovereignty requires operations or individuals to be unique, and decentralized, neither governed nor operated by an intermediary or middleman. In the Blockchain, a public ledger is essential, where all transactions are recorded and encrypted from adversarial activity. In the case of individual accountability, response-ability of one’s acts is necessary to exercise full agency and authority of self. In the blockchain, operations are stored in Nodes or Servers, immutable and unaltered; the actions of an individual are perpetually stored in the realm of consciousness…
I cannot quite agree with your opinion about "individuation." It is not "individualization" but a conscious realization of everything the existence of an individual implies: his needs, his tasks, his duties, his responsibilities, etc.
~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Pages 503-505.
Sovereignty -Authenticity - Authority (self)
Note: As I finish touching up this text, the creative, light part of ourselves (the Sun) is making its annual meeting with Uranus at 14 degrees of Taurus, supported by a sextile of Mars in Pisces. The Sun is in Gate 2, one that bears it all in the universe, and the Earth is in Gate 1, the creative inspiration. What do the Sun and Uranus want together? Sovereignty! How? Anchoring creativity and valuing the creative initiative that sparks the need to plant the seeds needed for freedom.
When you don’t play by the rules, because you question why you have to play by somebody else’s rules, it becomes a quest of trying to understand why there are even rules to be played. What is the status quo? Who created these rules? Why are people following the rules? What are the rules for? Don’t get me wrong, some structures need to be agreed upon, especially when we’re relating to others, and relating to social situations–that’s the Saturn/Capricorn/10th house, and also a Jupiter/Sagittarius/9th house function. But what if all those rules are set up in a way that only benefits very few? What if all those rules are impairing the individual from really finding their truth? What about sovereignty– what does it mean to be sovereign? What does it mean to have agency? What does it mean to be authentic? What are the parameters? How can we decide and how can we define those parameters? How can we know if we’re being sovereign? Authentic? How do we know we have agency?
These are interesting questions that I’ve been diving into in the last 9 years or so, and I feel that this eclipse season with my birthday has closed a gap that started in 2013-14 when the lunar nodes were in reverse and now with transiting Uranus are activating the same but opposite houses in my chart, the 10th house of direction, status, and social authority, how I’m seen in the public realm, my career, and the 4th house, my persona, my inner security, how I feel home, how I relate to my emotional body and how I have slowly been becoming in touch with my true nature. When we come to this world, we become familiar with the structures that we were given; we become familiar with the connection (or lack of connection) that we receive (or don’t receive) from our caretakers. We become familiar and we accept (willingly or unwillingly) whatever is given, or we start longing for whatever we are lacking.
Now let’s think about roots again– yesterday I was propagating my Monstera plants and something marvelous happened. For months I have been splitting them from the stem and putting them in water, allowing the roots to grow into new plants individually, doing this over and over. About every two weeks, I wash the roots and touch them, gently trying to find whether there are little pieces that are rotten or whether they’re just entangled in different ways, and then I take care of them. There are times when I even use some hydrogen peroxide to make sure that they are thriving in a more alkaline environment, then I put them back in the water and pay attention. They’re in glass, so I see how these roots are growing. Two days ago I noticed that from one of these roots, a stem was sprouting, and not just a stem– I could see it pointing up and forming what will become a leaf in the next couple of weeks. It was so beautiful because it was coming from the root itself, not stemming from the stem. I was the witness of a miracle of life.
I felt like a very proud mama, and tying that to epigenetics, and probably the blockchain, it’s like we’ve got the roots, in water or soil, right? And that’s the environment. So if the water is not receiving enough oxygen or the soil is too wet, or too dry, or it doesn’t have enough chemicals or components that are going to nurture the roots, then the roots won’t thrive. It all depends on the conditions, and the environment, and this is what led to the theory of Epigenetics. The gene you inherit is important, but what is going to make this gene evolve is the environment. If the environment is not positive, then it will not have what it needs to evolve or grow. It may start auto-killing itself in self-defense, it will start growing backward. And if you use that as a metaphor for the evolution of the species, or of spirit, it means that we at times hold on to things that are perhaps not the best, maybe we hold on to friends or situations or relationships that are keeping us from growing, they make us stagnate, and therefore we start the process of involution or resistance, this is a very painful experience to resist transformation.
Eclipses: confront, discard, yield and ground what is needed to seed.
And then something sudden has to happen to wake us up, whether it’s an illness or death or the loss of something– so this is back to the eclipses because right now as we’re dealing with that festering in the Scorpio arena, it is through confronting something of ourselves that is not to our liking that we can decide whether the roots are going to stagnate or whether they can be pruned. So it’s a question about what it is right now in your life that you are looking at carefully, that you’re confronting, that could be even scatological– what is it that you have to let go of, that you’re retaining, that’s not of use anymore? What needs to be put back into the soil as compost?
It has already served its purpose in the previous cycle of nurturing, and right now it’s what you have to dispose of and give back to the soil so it becomes nutrients for the next cycle. It’s not like you’re going to let go and it’ll go to waste this letting go allows for growth. What could happen if you dump something and allow that space to be free to engage in new activities, relationships, or spaces, where you can get the nutrients you need at this moment?
I think of what happened exactly at the opposition of this nodal axis when the North Node was in Scorpio and the South Node was in Taurus, where I was letting go, interested in understanding what my co-dependencies were, especially in my personal life, and how I was going to confront the idea of how I relate to myself. I had no sense of relativity because everything that I was putting in was always towards a relationship. That was harsh because when I confronted the truth I realized that I was completely depleted, and I had even run out of the resources I needed to sustain myself and I had no idea where to start, very scary situation, I look back and I hug myself, Oh baby, I got you! we did it! Together, we lived to tell the story.
Since December 2014, I have been integrating, and understanding, and I have a feeling this cycle completely closed last year. Now I’m entering a new one that I’m so excited about– it’s like informing the the outside world (10th house), because that’s where the transiting South Node is right now, informing the world by just being assertive to the kind of environment that I want to be thriving in–and where my roots can sprout new seeds in ways that are meaningful to me at this moment. So I’m not going to depend on the ‘likes’ or the acceptance, or the status that is given by society; I’m no longer interested in that– but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to look for situations and opportunities where I can excel and contribute in society with the things that I’m capable of offering with my experience. My resources are based on my experience, my curiosity, and my willingness to always be looking for new ways to evolve. The beneficiaries of this environment are myself, and the community I can engage with.
To be sovereign, we must become accountable, and accountability has a lot to do with Saturn/Capricorn/10th house. We need to recognize and acknowledge the places we have not taken care of. Once we take responsibility and become accountable, we open the door to become more individuated; and then other situations are going to come that will allow us to transform, dissolve, and liberate ourselves from previous trauma or situations where a lack of responsibility had gotten us to an idle place of stagnation. -So there’s work to be done, my friends, during this eclipse season. And each one of us has a Scorpio/Taurus axis somewhere in your chart…
The other day I had a dialogue with one of my practitioners about the use of the weeds as a metaphor, for weeding out what is not purposely helping the garden, he offered me to consider instead focusing on certain flowers that I want to water and have in my garden, or certain vegetables that might be nutritious. Not so much about fencing against what I don’t relate to but paying attention to what I do. And in that little difference, I attend to the right thing, and obviously, if I focus on what I’m interested in, there’s no time for what I’m not interested in, only when it becomes a trigger and then I do shadow work…
Shadow work 101 (another take)
-Do you have the willingness to confront your fears, look at what triggers you, and make space and time for it?
-Can you focus on the feeling (emotion) and the sensations in the body, for a new experience of connection that is willing to emerge through what is not yet revealed as the shadow, (not on who or what triggered it, as they are just placeholders).
-Notice what emerges that can be integrated or synthesized.
-See yourself from the outside, and observe it as a third party.
-What can you notice?
-Is there anything physical you can embody now that can transform you to a new timeline?
Gates 2 + 1, the receptive, the creative: Bearing creative fruit with beauty.
‘You know, there’s no point, so, therefore, I’m not even gonna feel, I’m not gonna feel what’s going on, I don’t know what to do with this energy, it’s too much, I’m going to numb and disconnect myself. ”
-My Old Self sometime ago.
This week the Sun shines in Gate 2, which is the receptive ( I Ching), the Earth, is ready to receive the creativity that comes from the Heavens Gate 1, it carries a potential for receiving and giving direction. If one is not in the right place aligned, one may feel a little bit dislocated, and one doesn’t feel connected, because the ultimate purpose for this energy is to feel one with nature, one with my nature, one with the nature around me, one with the nature of my life.
When one is disoriented, it could be because one doesn’t trust who it is or what it is, one could listen to own’s intuition, really trusting that genius that can suddenly spark. So when one looks at the shadow and identifies with it, not trusting the wisdom that one has within, the perception of being dislocated can arise. When one starts re-orienting oneself toward the direction one would like to take, even if one doesn’t know how to make it yet, by having a very good intention and tending to it, A state of presence can emerge.
The grounding energy, the Heavens, the Creator, is moving downwards all the time, looking to plant the seed as the earth bears its fruit, the potential for this is the representation of being able to have endless creativity, but this creativity needs to be rooted somewhere, one cannot just have energy firing down from above without a soil to be receiving, giving a direction to reconnect. When this energy is in disharmony one of the things that emerges is a sense of numbness.
In the trinity, there is a synthesis. In times of manifestation, one needs to have some time for oneself to feel the direction of the sensation and ground it in action in new ideals, and creative expressions. Generating beauty, the beauty of knowing that life is so simple, it’s just the Yin (Earth) and the Yang (Heavens), synthesized in our own human experience.
Individuation does not isolate, it connects.
~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Pages 503-505.
Sun + Uranus rendezvous, Venus and Jupiter enter Aries, Mars follows soon.
This is the time of the year when we are reminded about being authentic –Uranus joins the Sun at 14 degrees Taurus (May 4th). The Sun and Earth are on Gates 2, and 1. Venus, which rules Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, just entered Aries! And Jupiter, the ruler of the previous South nodal axis, is following, too, as it enters a new cycle – the last time, 12+ years ago (2010), Uranus and Jupiter entered together in Aries. The ideals and path towards individuation were set, Alas, what occurred was the self-centered persona for the selfie to emerge… A culture of -fake it till you make it- exploded, and social media created a perfect environment for all the Anna Delveys, Adam, and Rebekah Neumanns to thrive. Pluto was close to the North Node in early Capricorn, Saturn in Libra was making a crisis in consciousness quarter square to Pluto, and the choice was clear Status over Accountability. So we had to wait…
Individuation is the path towards integration; one can not self-actualize alone but requires the relationship of the other(s). This time around Uranus (we the people) is in Taurus, its sovereignty depends on survival skills, and Jupiter can point to how each one of us will initiate that individual path with the help of Venus and Mars. What are my essential needs? and how do I jumpstart these new projects that will point to new truths? What addictions are holding me not accountable? What to let go of?
I am still kind of tweaking my sense of value, how I make good use of my own resources, fully becoming my own currency, valuing my talents, and relating to resources? For now, I am fully invested in understanding the full potential of the Blockchain not only as a financial ledger but in applications outside finance, as a metaphor of agency and resonance in Communitas. When Jupiter moves to my 3rd house, I will be expanding and communicating these as ideals. This summer I will have transiting Mars, Uranus and the North Node activate my progressed Jupiter in my second house. It is sound and clear: I am invested in a set of innovative value systems to integrate the ultimate potential as an individual.
Can I partake in creating an environment or network of individuals that exercise their own agency and follow their individual truths– manifesting a wholesome synarchy?
Next week Time more on Blockchain.
Audio - Video whispers:
I intertwine between the spoken and the written word, hear my insights (different content) below. The written article is a companion (not a transcript) to the video.
Time stamps:
00:00 - 03:06 The receptive Hexagram 2
03:07 –03:06 The needle man
04:07 –07:14 The I Ching and Burgos, Spain
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#synchronicity #individuation #authenticity #shadowwork #liberation #Uranus #trauma
Another great article, Monika! Lots of juicy stuff to chew on and, yes, I'm glad to see that phrase that lit me up in our chat--"become my own currency"--was in the article. That's such a beautiful way to suggest north node Taurus potentials, but as I said, I also like how the word "currency" relates to "current" so it's about becoming "in flow" and this can then create a circular exchange of energy which seems to be one of the positive expressions of the Scorpio archetype. Anyway, keep these up! They are providing great value to me!