The beauty of the balanced hexagrams is rather mesmerizing, in a good way I think. Maybe it's just because I'm having a current temporal experience which is much more Neptune than it is Saturn, but I'm definitely sensing some real magic and beauty in the current energies right now. And your essay here only adds to that sense! Oh, and BTW, the Jupiter-Venus-Chiron conjunction is conjunct my natal Chiron (12 degrees 55 minutes Aries). I've had to smile about this--it seems I knew that a five direct transit of my Chiron Return, dating back to July 2021, was going to be a pretty long journey so it rewarded me at the end with Jupiter and Venus arriving for the party!

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What a beautiful set up for a final pass on your Chiron return having Venus - Jupiter and Vesta!!!! Enjoy this neptunian dreamy time


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