Hola Monica! There is always so much in your posts I relate to, remember even, from my own journey. A case in point: Between 2014 and 2019 I wrote a memoir, mostly about me and my mum... a hot topic if ever there was one! Here's a paragraph from the prologue: "I know my memories might not match yours. If there's one thing I've learned about memory--it's utterly subjective. Even if you were in the same room at the same time, you'll have your own version of the story. And your version is as true as mine. It's OK. We all have our own stories. These unlikely stories are mine."
So yes, our experiences are our own, and they are archetypal, shared, coo-remembered. It's fascinating. Your posts are inspiring me to start my own substack. I want an outlet to write in public again. Thanks for your inspiration.
Hola Monica! There is always so much in your posts I relate to, remember even, from my own journey. A case in point: Between 2014 and 2019 I wrote a memoir, mostly about me and my mum... a hot topic if ever there was one! Here's a paragraph from the prologue: "I know my memories might not match yours. If there's one thing I've learned about memory--it's utterly subjective. Even if you were in the same room at the same time, you'll have your own version of the story. And your version is as true as mine. It's OK. We all have our own stories. These unlikely stories are mine."
So yes, our experiences are our own, and they are archetypal, shared, coo-remembered. It's fascinating. Your posts are inspiring me to start my own substack. I want an outlet to write in public again. Thanks for your inspiration.
Oh but that is a sweet thing to read! That I inspire you! YES!
And memory what a funny way to perceive the way we relate - let me know when you do and I would very much subscribe
Much love