Great stuff. Lots and lots and lots of resonance and a few synchronicities buried within.
I was cycling to work today on a very muggy morning and it seemed there were many invitations from the Matrix in the form of other commuters, many seemingly unconscious that their method of commuting was causing me to slow down and feel stuck in the sticky air. I reacted with a bit of irritation at my first encounter but then realized on the second or third, that this "sticky Matrix" was a spider web I had the choice in HOW I engaged with it, so I decided to not be irritated but just accept that everyone was like me, commuting on a sticky morning, and they weren't the source of my distress, the source was within my choice in reacting with irritation.
I was thinking about how even a seemingly mundane activity like a commute is an invitation for growth, should I choose to see it that way. And in that way, life itself is an artistic process of creation. Who will I create today? The answer is mine alone! What fun!
Great stuff. Lots and lots and lots of resonance and a few synchronicities buried within.
I was cycling to work today on a very muggy morning and it seemed there were many invitations from the Matrix in the form of other commuters, many seemingly unconscious that their method of commuting was causing me to slow down and feel stuck in the sticky air. I reacted with a bit of irritation at my first encounter but then realized on the second or third, that this "sticky Matrix" was a spider web I had the choice in HOW I engaged with it, so I decided to not be irritated but just accept that everyone was like me, commuting on a sticky morning, and they weren't the source of my distress, the source was within my choice in reacting with irritation.
I was thinking about how even a seemingly mundane activity like a commute is an invitation for growth, should I choose to see it that way. And in that way, life itself is an artistic process of creation. Who will I create today? The answer is mine alone! What fun!
Absolutely beautiful Bryan, we resonate with the same gates 39/38
So much potential
And alignement -
I enjoyed your quick text in EC