Another great article, Monika! Lots of juicy stuff to chew on and, yes, I'm glad to see that phrase that lit me up in our chat--"become my own currency"--was in the article. That's such a beautiful way to suggest north node Taurus potentials, but as I said, I also like how the word "currency" relates to "current" so it's about becoming "in flow" and this can then create a circular exchange of energy which seems to be one of the positive expressions of the Scorpio archetype. Anyway, keep these up! They are providing great value to me!
Last night in the Sangha, I told Mike Gaffney about our conversation and your use of the word current and then he also tied it into a river as a metaphor. Can we become a part of the current of a greater river that is flowing toward a beautiful ocean, co-created with those we resonant with, or do we find ourselves diverged into murky mires? We entertained that question and I'm going to keep pondering it. For now, I see how it comes down to discernment and, I believe, becoming more in touch with our body because we FEEL resonance in our body. Feeling that resonance will allow us to discern which currents to join!
This made me think to an article published on art nexus in 2017 on my earlier work which contains references to circular time as materiality and the author entitles : monika bravo, time as river and materiality in her work.
I didn't catch this comment until now, but in line with the theme of the article, which I've just deeply enjoyed, well, it was right ON TIME!
I really appreciated learning more about your many fascinating artistic explorations over the years and how many of them link to new (old?) perceptions of time and our experience of being immersed in its endlessly flowing, always changing river.
South node in Capricorn on my 11th house, it’s ruler, Saturn in Pisces first house, Neptune it’s ruler in my 10th house, the ruler of my 12th is Saturn - there is a theme about dissolution of structures, bending time, and inquiring in the realms of the unconscious that is so present in my chart, I must do it individually to release trauma from previous experiences - indeed time - Space - consciousness and inquiry are the core of this experience - thanks for reading !
Another great article, Monika! Lots of juicy stuff to chew on and, yes, I'm glad to see that phrase that lit me up in our chat--"become my own currency"--was in the article. That's such a beautiful way to suggest north node Taurus potentials, but as I said, I also like how the word "currency" relates to "current" so it's about becoming "in flow" and this can then create a circular exchange of energy which seems to be one of the positive expressions of the Scorpio archetype. Anyway, keep these up! They are providing great value to me!
Current- yes! -A condition of flowing - an energy that flows from person to person like a river stream -
I appreciate your comments
Last night in the Sangha, I told Mike Gaffney about our conversation and your use of the word current and then he also tied it into a river as a metaphor. Can we become a part of the current of a greater river that is flowing toward a beautiful ocean, co-created with those we resonant with, or do we find ourselves diverged into murky mires? We entertained that question and I'm going to keep pondering it. For now, I see how it comes down to discernment and, I believe, becoming more in touch with our body because we FEEL resonance in our body. Feeling that resonance will allow us to discern which currents to join!
This made me think to an article published on art nexus in 2017 on my earlier work which contains references to circular time as materiality and the author entitles : monika bravo, time as river and materiality in her work.
Full link here
I didn't catch this comment until now, but in line with the theme of the article, which I've just deeply enjoyed, well, it was right ON TIME!
I really appreciated learning more about your many fascinating artistic explorations over the years and how many of them link to new (old?) perceptions of time and our experience of being immersed in its endlessly flowing, always changing river.
South node in Capricorn on my 11th house, it’s ruler, Saturn in Pisces first house, Neptune it’s ruler in my 10th house, the ruler of my 12th is Saturn - there is a theme about dissolution of structures, bending time, and inquiring in the realms of the unconscious that is so present in my chart, I must do it individually to release trauma from previous experiences - indeed time - Space - consciousness and inquiry are the core of this experience - thanks for reading !